Creative Reflections

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True North

In the northern hemisphere, we have a star (Polaris) that we call the "North Star," that for centuries sailors, farmers, and adventure seekers used to tell which direction was North which helped them navigate the land/sea around them.

In the southern hemisphere, this "North Star" is not visible, but there is a constellation of stars that is called the "Southern Cross."

What does True North look like in our own lives? What guiding light, principles, or ideals do we have, that we make our choices, and act from?

Today, for the sake of clarity, we will be creating our own southern cross diagram that will be a representation of those guiding principles in our lives.

So grab a piece of paper and pencil and let's go!

The first step is to draw 4 stars, in a cross pattern. Add a fifth star off center in the lower right side of the diagram. (See the picture above where "Crux" is located and copy that location to your own cross).

At the top of your cross, you will have the word "Illumination" and under this write out what energizes you, lights up your world.

Next, the left star is called Skills and under that one write out what talents you have, or what you are really good at.

At the bottom, write the word Delight and follow that up with words that describe things/activities that bring childlike joy to your life.

Onto the right side, write out the word Pain and under that fill in injustices you can't ignore

Lastly, the "Crux" star. Identify that star as Lifestyle. Write out things that you do day to day that works for you.

If you would prefer to go into more detail, feel free to journal out the above prompts, reading your answers with compassion and intrigue to get to know yourself deeper.

Utilize this information and representation of what drives you in your everyday life. Seeking ways to match up your desires, ideals, and perspectives with your speech and actions.

Credit to Mari Andrews for creating the tool.