Relationship G.R.I.T

Hello and welcome!

This is more or a book review than anything, but I found that the material presented in “Relationship G.R.I.T.” was right on the mark on the tools and concepts that we teach about in our relationship coaching sessions.

Authors Jon and Kathryn Gordon write Relationship G.R.I.T. to walk the reader through their difficulties and achievements in their own relationship. Starting their story with how each had met the other, they dive head-first into the challenges of dating, and the unnoticed baggage each brought to their relationship.

The first thing they noticed that improved and strengthened their relationship, was having God (G.) in the center. That looks like having prayer, and communal worship together, and within a community. Similar to tools taught to overcome addiction, having a higher power be the center and focus of one’s life allows for hope to enter, and the energy to work towards achieving the set goals

Next, they talk about having Resolve (R.) in their relationship. An example of this would be to work through hurts and disappointments rather than running to the next person. Or having discussions when you would rather become numb to the pain and hurt. Or seeking therapy and coaching rather than neglecting your partner’s needs.

After seeking God’s help and resolving to stay together no matter what, they then looked for ways to Invest (I.) into each other’s lives. Of course, they weren’t carbon copies of one of them, so they had a varied and diverse list of interests and hobbies. To invest into each other, each took time to understand their partner’s interests, searched for ways to encourage their pursuits and how to become their biggest cheerleader, and how to prioritize meeting their partner’s needs above their own.

Lastly, they found time to be Together (T.), despite a busy household of kids, careers, and other responsibilities. They made it a point to sit down with just the two of them for at least an hour each week, to hear of their partner’s accomplishments, any new or changed needs that have arisen, and how to partner together in the coming week so they start on the same page with mutual understanding. This might also look like, in our lives, as saving money for a couple of nights away from the family and work responsibilities, so that a more calm and less distracting environment fosters that intimate connection easier and more fully.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the Gordon’s story of their relationship and how they grew to not only recognize each other’s needs, but how they went about meeting and exceeding them for each other. Utilizing the tools and techniques taught by our coaches here at Creative Reflections, I am eager to see our clients achieve the same success for their relationships.


The Anxiety Monster - Part 3