Writing It Out

What comes to mind when you read the word Journal?

Does it bring up memories of keeping a diary as a child, writing down your emotions to events during your day? "I can't believe Sandra said that to me today." "I have a huuuuge crush on that girl in second period history."

Do you still write in a journal today?

My wife had written in journals for many years before we had met, and I had been given the opportunity to read over those in the years since we've been married. Experiencing her life, in intricate details, has given me a perspective I may not have been able replicate in any other way. The result? It has increased the intimacy between us, as what was written was very personal to her, and sharing it with me brought me to a closer understanding of who she is, and how she has experienced life so far.


What were your intentions with your old journal or diary?

Julia Cameron had taken that journaling concept and has expanded it. Her tool is titled "Morning Pages."

Morning Pages is exactly how it sounds. You take the journaling aspect, and write in the morning. First thing. Before the To-Do lists come out, before social media and the comparison game gains steam.

Morning pages do not have to take a long time. When I write them, they may take between 5-10 minutes tops. Doable.

The requirements are: Hand written. No word processing or Notes App on a smart phone; this should be like taking a walk to someplace instead of driving there, whizzing by in a car. Speed is not always desirable. We are after a process that will allow for depth and distance, not just speed. Print, cursive, or both even. Starting out, it's entirely OK to stick to a single page, with the goal of progressing to three (3) whole pages (single sided) of hand written journaling.

What do you journal about? Anything your heart and mind desires.

It can look like: "My back hurts this morning." "I forgot to call Janet." "I need to do laundry today."

Just let the thoughts flow, and write them down as they come. No judging. No critiquing or comparing.

"We begin with a version of reality that is neat, slick, and clean - a sheet of paper. When we move our hand across our experience, something more complicated happens. We see where we have told ourselves one thing, while feeling quite another." - Julia Cameron


Once you have completed a couple weeks of morning pages, you can then go and reread what has happened. When reading these previous entries, read them like your closest friend would; looking for sources of pain and happiness.

Morning pages has taught me to look out for cues to life. To follow promptings, entering and exiting experiences in my life with grace. A calmness not found otherwise permeates my days, and pushes my faith further than the day prior.

Connect with me if you'd like help starting Morning Pages today!


What’s Holding You Back?

