What’s your “Try”
What does that word mean to you? Is it an action that is attempted? Is it a goal that is worked towards? Does it encompass the mindset of completion or just an attempt at something?
Trying can mean making an effort to accomplish something, or being in a difficult or annoying experience. “I’m trying to get along with others.” Or “I’m trying to learn this new guitar chord.”
In your own Faith walk, what does “trying” look like to you?
Trying, in faith terms, could look like “I’m trying to love others above myself.” Or “I’m trying to believe that God will provide when I give sacrificially.” “Trying” in faith is similar to trust. Do we trust God will provide in this circumstance. Do we trust God will fulfill my own needs as I seek to fulfill others.
And sometimes there’s something that holds us back as we try. It could be fear. It could be uncertainty or even our mindset when we had set forth in trying. How you define the word “try” could be the game changer.
In Christianity, we may fear putting others above ourselves because our needs could go unfulfilled and we’ll feel forgotten and uncared for. Or we may fear that we aren’t “good enough” to be a helping hand, because we haven’t done this or that before. But all of those fears are really just hogwash. “God let’s us start with the smallest possible amount, so that He can grow us in trusting Him as that try is accomplished.” In that accomplishing, we gather strength, endurance, and wisdom on the path forward, to then try the next step ahead.
The Wright brothers had tried to fly. It took them 7 tries to accomplish their goal of flight (and countless hours creating, building, and testing). Throughout our day, we try new things all the time. A new dinner recipe, a new hobby or activity, a new relationship. What do we learn with each try? We learn discipline. We learn bravery. We learn about ourselves and each other.
At the end of each try, we experience triumph at turning fear on its’ head.
So don’t give up just because your first try, or even your fiftieth try, hasn’t worked out yet. You’re developing the endurance to get you to your goal. Keep at it!
What will you try in the coming days?